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Featured Commercial ProjectsRSS

Louisville, KY

Historic renovation and adaptive-reuse project.

Fisherville, KY

Renovation and adaptive reuse project for corporate headquarters Former metal building for heavy equipment repair

Louisville, KY

Renovation and adaptive reuse project for new upscale restaurant

Louisville, KY

Interior and exterior design-build renovation for a new to market retail branch bank

Louisville, KY

Corporate headquarters renovation and re-branding Design-build project

Limestone Bank – Preston
Louisville, KY

New construction, retail branch bank

Shephersville, KY

New construction, retail branch bank

Louisville, KY

Louisville, KY

Renovation of an existing restaurant

Physical Therapy & Associates
Louisville, KY

Renovation for new physical therapy center

Porter & Associates
Shepherdsville, KY

New construction, law office

Prospect, KY

New construction of pre-k educational facility

Louisville, KY

Corporate headquarters renovation

Louisville, KY

Renovation and adaptive reuse

Louisville, KY

Interior and exterior renovation converting restaurant into commercial chain paint supply store

Stock Yards Bank – Rudy Lane
Louisville, KY

New construction, retail branch bank

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